Borders take on a new lease of life when summer turns to autumn, with Michaelmas daisies adding new energy, while dahlias, inulas and persicaria carry on where summer left off

PERFECT COMBOS Michaelmas daises provide neat domes of cool, fresh autumn blooms to clothe border edges, while catmint, verbena, persicaria, rudbeckias and inulas show their tremendous longevity, still pumping out blooms ©GAP Photos/Elke Borkowski

©Shutterstock / BestPhotoStudio
1 Give MIchaelmas daisies plenty of space to grow unobstructed and avoid growing them on hot, exposed sites to help reduce the risk of mildew.

©Shutterstock / AngieC333
2 Persicaria amplexicaulis is a good choice for clay soil and starts flowering in late summer. Divide regularly to control spread. H&S: 1.2m.

©Shutterstock / Flower_Garden
3 As autumn begins, stems of Verbena bonariensis sprawl through the border to reach further than ever and make new colour combinations. H: 1.5m, S: 60cm.